Parents’ Association
The main aims and objectives of the Parents’ Association include:
- To help the school achieve its aim – providing the best education for all our children
- To liaise with the Principal and teaching staff
- To represent the views of the parents and provide a forum for discussion with the principle on relevant issues
- To provide support for parents
- To facilitate social opportunities for parents at school based meetings
- To help the school financially when necessary
- To provide practical help when required in the school
Please feel free to contact a committee member, if you feel we can be of assistance. You may contact a member directly or leave a note with Elizabeth the school secretary, for the attention of the Parents’ Association.
Committee members for the school year 2024/25
- Chairperson: Noelle Doherty
- Secretary: Edel Doherty
- Treasurer: TBC
The National Parents Council
The National Parents Council – Primary (NPC) is a nationwide organisation representing parents of children that are attending primary education. The NPC mission statement states that the NPC is established “to improve and enrich the education of each child and to support the involvement of parents in all stages of education.”
Safety is of paramount importance. As in previous bulletins we once again highlight some important points for the safety of our children.
School buses and staff cars ONLY, are permitted entry into the school grounds. Only parents authorised to enter with their vehicle(s) may enter.
Avoid walking across the Main entrance gate. If necessary, take care, this is a vehicle entrance.
Use pedestrian pathways when entering and exiting the school.
School Uniform
- School Uniform to be worn on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
- School Tracksuit to be worn on Monday and Tuesday
Pedestrian lights
Use pedestrian lights when crossing the road. N.B. When the green light appears, please do teach children to check if the oncoming traffic has stopped before crossing the road.
Zig Zag lines
Do not park ON or CLOSE to Zig Zag lines at any given time. It is an offence to park on Zig Zag lines and this offence does carry penalty points. Try to use school side of road only for parking, again to facilitate the flow of traffic and avoid obstruction.
Childminders/relatives should be informed of all safety issues when dropping off and collecting children.
Your co-operation is greatly appreciated for all the children’s safety.
Change of Address/ Contact Details
If there are any changes to your address or contact details please alert the class teacher or school secretary. This will ensure school records are kept up to date and also assist in case of any emergencies.
Home School Community Liaison
The Home School Community Liaison scheme has been in operation in the school for a number of years. Sinéad McLaughlin is currently the teacher in this role and she serves the needs of the parents of both the Boys and Girls national schools in the town. Bríd is available by appointment by contacting the school office.
The Home School Community Liaison person has several roles:
- To run courses for parents. These can be courses that simply provide an outlet for enjoyment (e.g crafts, ‘time for me’, yoga) or they can be courses that provide parents with an opportunity to get back to education. This usually takes the form of FETAC level courses (e.g computers, personal development). Courses are either run at night or during the day depending on the demand and they can be in either schools.
- To visit the homes of parents and provide a link between home and school.
- To liase with outside agencies that offer services which from time to time may be of use to parents and to connect parents with the services at the parents request.
- To work on the smooth transfer of boys from primary to secondary school (Carndonagh Community School)
- To form a Local Committee with the Home School Community Liaison person from the Community School. The function of the Local Committee is to invite parents and pupils from both schools and local members of the community to meet and discuss things which affect children’s learning. Sub-committees can then be formed where the members of the sub-committee can then work on a topic chosen (e.g social media, transfer programme, homework) and see if anything in the locality can be done about the particular problem.
- To involve parents in the formation of school policies e.g school homework policy, safety policy etc.
Sinéad is available by appointment by contacting the school or by email at [email protected].